About Us

We are the Association for disabled lawyers and lawyers with mental and physical health conditions, including anyone studying or practising law.
We exist to create a community and network for disabled lawyers. We want to make it known that you can practise law and be a disabled person. Many obstacles make entering the legal profession and maintaining a career difficult. We are a platform for sharing ideas for positive change. We also campaign for such changes to give disabled lawyers and students more support in their careers and to remove unnecessary obstacles that make the professions inaccessible to disabled people. We share these ideas with other organisations that want to support us. We, as disabled people, also promote the rights of all disabled people. We have events that highlight issues relating to disability law and how the rights of disabled people can protect and strengthened.
Our objectives are:
(a) to provide a supportive group for lawyers and students of law who identify as a disabled person or have mental health experiences or have a long-term health conditions;
(b) to campaign for more inclusive and supportive legal professions;
(c) to further research, education and training into best practices for creating supportive and nurturing professions for disabled lawyers and lawyers with mental health experiences or long-term health conditions;
(d) to co-operate with other organisations whose objectives are similar to those of the Association and those who seek to improve the professions for disabled lawyers and lawyers with mental health experiences or have long-term health conditions; and
(e) to promote the adequate legal protection of the rights of disabled people, people with mental health experiences or long-term health conditions in the United Kingdom.